Barker & Baumecker: Transsektoral (CD, Ostgut Ton, September 2012)

Quite a range of styles here. It starts out quite dubby, and there are some excursions into a kind of glitchy two-step. But the bulk of the album — and, for my money, the best of it — is just really good proper techno like they used to make: complex, sinuous rhythms, gentle plinky melodies. There's a moment on the third track, Schlang Bang, where a chunk of the beat drops out for just a bar, and then kicks back in with the filters tweaked a little bit fuller... okay, we've heard this done a thousand times before, but it's so subtly and expertly done and I can't help but grin every time I hear it. It closes with the quietly anthemic Spur, which is like a more reserved (more German?) version of Gui Boratto. It's maybe not ground-breaking, but it has a gloriously supple power, and I love it.

I bought this from Juno. They call it techno.
