Mika Vainio: Fe3O4 — Magnetite (CD, Touch, August 2012)

Mika Vainio treats us to another fine selection of sudden clunks, gut-wobbling buzzes, and long ominous silences. An obvious reference point would be his last album with Ilpo Väisänen as Pan Sonic. The comparison is interesting: this trades a little of Gravitoni's raw power for a little subtlety. You could almost say that this is the chamber music to Pan Sonic's symphony. Certainly, the tracks here feel like self-contained experiments, or possibly even like variations of a theme (a sense heightened by the track titles: Magentotactic, Magnetosphere, Magnetosense, etc.). Of course, all things are relative, and this is still a fairly monstrous thing. Good work, noisy Finnish dude!

I bought this from Boomkat. They call it Electronic.
